5331 NE 36th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-9153

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Versatile, seasoned writer/editor/proofreader with management skills. Team player with artistic ability, computer savvy and close attention to detail. Adept at generating ideas, finding creative solutions, meeting deadlines and working under pressure. Fluent in AP style.

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Owner / 2000-present
Anderson Enterprises I Portland
Jack Wolfskin [2023-present] (web copy for leading German outdoor-apparel outfitter). Cornerstone Advisors [2018-present] (white papers for banking consultants).
Voxtel Engineering [2015-2000] (edit engineering grant proposals). Rejuvenation [2002-18] (catalog copy, headlines, editing, proofing). Lawyer X [2015] (edited 140,000-word manuscript). Figure 8 Creative [2013-14] (catalog copy, headlines, editing, proofing for Tempur-Pedic). GISI Marketing Group [2013] (ghostwrote beauty-school teaching manual). [2007] (wrote energy-related features). The Oregonian [2006-07] (wrote general features). NABA [2003-10] (built & maintained website for baseball league). Insitu/Boeing [2004-05] (edited technical manuals).

Freelance Writer / 2015-2020; 2022-23
Thread Creative I Portland
Wrote thousands of product descriptions for worldwide adidas websites. Extensive work on artificial intelligence (AI) and search engine optimization (SEO) projects. Editing and proofing.

Quality Control Field Supervisor / 2019-2021
U.S. Census Bureau I Los Angeles
Portland-based project manager of spot-checking team that verified 2020 U.S. Census results in Oregon, Idaho and Nevada. Planned multi-city itineraries, tracked payroll, solved problems, tracked individual cases. Extensive work as classroom and online trainer.

U.S. Correspondent I 2005-2013
Windpower Monthly I London
Portland-based journalist covering the North American utility-scale wind industry for the world's leading wind power magazine. News, features; 500 stories, 250,000 words. Editing.

Editor & Publisher I 2000-2006
NW Drizzle I Portland
Founded, a monthly arts and culture e-magazine. Designed site, managed layout and content from dozens of contributors. Wrote 60 monthly columns.

Associate Editor I 2004-2006
Tidepool (Sightline Daily) I Portland
Weekday updates of (now, a news aggregator ranking environment-related stories from 60 local, regional, national and international sources.

Session Editor I 2002-2004
Oregon State Legislature I Salem, Ore.
Edited, fact-checked and proofread legislative bills, resolutions and amendments for State of Oregon's Office of the Legislative Counsel. Extensive research.

Managing Editor I 1996-2000
PacifiCorp I Portland
Published 200 editions of online employee newsletter. Design, layout, production, news and feature writing, headlines, photography, editing, proofing.

Freelance Sportswriter I 1981-88 and 1993-96
The Associated Press I Minneapolis
Filed hundreds of deadline stories, including event coverage, byline features and locker room interviews. MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, PGA, LPGA, pro tennis, NCAA, prep state tourneys, more. Passed full-time employment exams, New York, 1988.

Media Coordinator I 1994-96
City of Minneapolis I Minneapolis
Coordinated two award-winning National Night Out crime-prevention events. Media and community relations. Citywide participation increased from under 30,000 to 40,000-plus.

Assistant Manager of Communications I 1988-93
PR Newswire I New York
Shared responsibility for global computer operations supporting business/financial news service linking 15,000 corporate sources with thousands of media outlets, databases, stock exchanges. Assisted 20 domestic bureaus. Trained employees. Editing and proofing.

Broadcast Operations Manager I 1981-88
Padilla Speer Beardsley / Sports Score Central I Minneapolis
Co-managed sports information wire service feeding Midwest media outlets. Co-designed system to compile extensive individual player stats for Minneapolis Star Tribune. Developed and hosted statewide radio score program.

Media Coordinator I 1983-84
Midwest Triathlon I Austin, Minn.
Co-developed marketing strategy for start-up 140.6-mile endurance event.

Disc Jockey I 1978-81
KVSC-FM I St. Cloud, Minn.
Hosted four-hour weekly jazz program
at St. Cloud State University.

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HTML course work, Mt. Hood Community College (2000)
Work toward video certificate, New York University (1992-93)
B.A., Journalism
, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minn. (1981)
B.S., Business (marketing), St. Cloud State University (1981)